Contact Us | One Suryan

Contact Us

Your work with One Suryan begins here!

You can contact us with stories about your experiences with stereotypes, ideas or suggestions about events, press inquiries, presenting requests, or questions or concerns about anything!

When sending us a story, please include your name (you can also choose to be anonymous), your grade or profession, and your school or where you are from. Your story can be about your struggle, triumph, any experience you have had with stereotypes, or even just a story of observation about stereotypes. All stories should be sent to


We are happy to do workshops or give speeches! Contact us if you are interested in us doing a workshop centered around acceptance, diversity, and inclusivity or if you would like us to give a speech about the foundation of our organization, our mission, and the importance of our work.

You can also connect to us on our facebook, twitter, youtube, instagram, and tumblr pages which links are at the top right hand corner of our site.